Fast, compact, and extensible ICU message formatting.
The message formatting system exports a parser and evaluation engine. It supports basic ICU message formatting with the plural
, select
, and selectordinal
complex formatters, and can be extended with your own custom simple formatters.
The message formatter can be used independent of the bulk of the library via the @phensley/messageformat
import {
} from '@phensley/cldr';
const FORMATTERS = {
foo: (args: MessageArg[], options: string[]) =>
options[0] === 'upper' ? args[0].toUpperCase() : args[0].toLowerCase()
const MATCHER = buildMessageMatcher(FORMATTER_NAMES);
const PLURALS = pluralRules.get('en');
const CONVERTER = new DefaultMessageArgConverter();
const parse = (message: string) => parseMessagePattern(message, MATCHER);
const dump = (message: string) => log(JSON.stringify(parse(message)));
const format = (
message: string,
positional: MessageArg[],
named: MessageNamedArgs = {}
) => {
const engine = new MessageEngine(
log(engine.evaluate(positional, named));
let msg: string;
Example 1 - message parsing (cache code repeated use)
Messages can be pre-parsed and embedded into source code, JSON, or YAML files, or parsed and cached at runtime.
dump('{0 select, male {his} female {her} other {their}} {item}');
[4,[[3,[0],[["male",[0,"his"]],["female",[0,"her"]],["other",[0,"their"]]]],[0," "],[1,"item"]]]
dump('{word} uppercase = {word foo upper} lowercase = {word foo lower}');
[4,[[1,"word"],[0," uppercase = "],[6,"foo",["word"],["upper"]],[0," lowercase = "],[6,"foo",["word"],["lower"]]]]
Example 2 - plural cardinals
msg =
'{count, plural, offset:1 =0 {Be the first to like this} =1 {You liked this} one {You and someone else liked this} other {You and # others liked this}}';
format(msg, [], { count: 0 });
format(msg, [], { count: 1 });
format(msg, [], { count: 2 });
format(msg, [], { count: 3 });
Be the first to like this You liked this You and someone else liked this You and 2 others liked this
Example 3 - select
msg = '{0, select, male {his} female {her} other {their}} {item}';
format(msg, ['they'], { item: 'coat' });
format(msg, ['female'], { item: 'jacket' });
format(msg, ['male'], { item: 'parka' });
their coat her jacket his parka
Example 4 - plural ordinals and select
msg =
'{name} {tied select true {tied for} other {came in}} {place selectordinal one {#st} two {#nd} few {#rd} other {#th}} place';
const racers = [
{ name: 'Lisa', place: 1 },
{ name: 'Bob', place: 2 },
{ name: 'Betty', place: 3 },
{ name: 'Frank', place: 4, tied: true },
{ name: 'George', place: 4, tied: true },
{ name: 'Larry', place: 5 }
for (const racer of racers) {
format(msg, [], racer);
Lisa came in 1st place Bob came in 2nd place Betty came in 3rd place Frank tied for 4th place George tied for 4th place Larry came in 5th place
Example 5 - custom formatter
msg = '{word} uppercase = {word foo upper} lowercase = {word foo lower}';
const WORDS = ['Computer', 'Science', 'Mathematics'];
for (const word of WORDS) {
format(msg, [], { word });
Computer uppercase = COMPUTER lowercase = computer Science uppercase = SCIENCE lowercase = science Mathematics uppercase = MATHEMATICS lowercase = mathematics